Application 2025

Application for Participation as a street artist/group of street artists at the "Strassenspektakel Wangen an der Aare 2025"

Date: Sunday 10th August 2025

Time: 10 am to 6 pm

Shows: There is an approximate of 4 blocks of 30 minutes spread throughout the day in different locations/stages.

Artist wages: 200 Swiss Francs per group (nevertheless how many people in the group). We also provide free breakfast, lunch and dinner on the spectacle day for everybody substantial to the group. The hat money belongs to th eartists in full.

Equipment: We can provide power. All other equipment needed for the show has to be delivered by the artists.

Floor condition: The Strassenspektakel takes place in the old town of Wangen an der Aare. Therefore the majority of the shows will take place on cobblestones.

Important: The event only takes place in good weather since this is an outdoor event!

If you would like to be part of the Wangener Strassenspektakel 2025 please fill in the form below.

We are excited and are looking forward to receiving your application. We will let you know as soon as possible if your art fits into our event and if your application is accepted. Hope to see you soon in Wangen an der Aare.